The Slovakian Wine Brotherhood of Ohrady celebrates its 10th anniversary

Ohrady is located in the Southern part of Slovakia, between its capital city Bratislava to the West and Budapest (Hungary) to the East. It is in warmest part of Slovakia, and some 5000 hectares of registered vineyards are planted on land particularly suitable for growing black grape varietals.

The Ohrady Wine Brotherhood (in original language „Csallóközkürti Borbarátok Asztaltársasága Borrend – Rád rytierov vín z Ohrád”) was created in 2014 to promote the wine traditions and local production. It has been a member of F.I.C.B. since 2017 and its Grand Master, Stefan BUGAR, was elected in 2018 to the F.I.C.B. Board of administration.

The Ohrady Wine Brotherhood was therefore celebrating its 10th anniversary, on 13 April 2024. The celebration started with local folk music and dances

and was attended by representatives of some 20 wine brotherhoods from Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Czech Republic and, of course, Slovakia.

Special messages of congratulations had beeen received, in particular from the Mayor of Ohrady, the President of F.I.C.B. and the President of the Hungarian Federation of Wine Brotherhoods. F.I.C.B. was represented by Eva Makai, its Vice president (for Hungary). The event was covered by the local press and television.

An enthronization ceremony took place

Chancellor Roland Bugar as Master of ceremony
Grand Master Stefan Bugar enthronized 7 new members

before a procession in brotherhood attires to the Sankt Stefan Roman Catholic Church where a mass was celebrated.

Inside view of the Church during the Mass

The lively reception that followed gave the opportunity to taste a wide selection of local wines

LocaThe wines offered for the Mass and served at the reception the reception were from local wineries: Gajdosik Winery and Chateau Ruban

Click here for the message of the F.I.C.B. President

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