Consulate Festival Switzerland in Zürich

Zurich , Switzerland

The price for participation in the Consulate Festival is CHF 180 per person.Registration must be sent to by 01.12.2024.   Ordo Equestris Vini Europae 1333 ǀ Ordre européen des Chevaliers du Vin 1333 Consulatus Confoederatio Helvetica 2002 ǀ Consulat Suisse 2002 Commanderie Hoinga 820 ǀ Müseliweg 1 ǀ CH-8049 Zürich +41 79 240 77 […]

Wine-discovery tour sponsored by Italy (Piedmont)

"The 3rd “Wine Discovery Tour” sponsored by the F.I.C.B. will take place from 22 to 26 May 2025 in the Langhe-Roero-Montferrato region in the heart of Piedmont in Italy. It is organised under the aegis of the Order of the Knights of the Truffle and the Wines of Alba, who are offering an exceptional programme […]