The Conseil des Echansons de France is a wine-brotherhood dedicated to promoting and defending French wines, as well as the traditions associated with the arts of the table.
Founded in 1954, the Conseil des Echansons de France is heir to the traditions of the winegrowers’ brotherhoods of the Middle Ages, and those of the wine-lovers’ brotherhoods of later times.
Around the world, it counts several hundred members, both wine professionals and amateur tasters. It has permanent representations in France and abroad to ensure its influence.

Les Echansons hold chapters at their Caveau, located at Place Charles Dickens in Paris, where the great traditional wine festivals are celebrated. This cellar is part of a complex built for the monks of the Abbaye des Minimes, which dates back to the 15th century. These monks grew their vines on the hillside of Passy, and the location of their cellars on the banks of the Seine facilitated transport of their wines.
On these occasions, the Echansons wear their ceremonial robes, and proceed to induct new members of the Confrérie in a majestic ritual.

The joyous meals that follow these ceremonies are privileged moments when the art of the table achieves the difficult harmony of wine and food.
The wines of Château Labastidié (AOC Gaillac), owned by its members, are particularly honored.

A choir (le Souffle de Bacchus), whose repertoire ranges from medieval to contemporary, enlivens these events.
In the deep galleries of the cellar, the “Musée du Vin Paris”, managed by the Echansons, brings together works of bachic art, old viticultural equipment and traditional objects linked to wine consumption. Wine-tasting courses are organized here. Des formations à la dégustation y sont organisées.

The “Caveau des Echansons de France” has thus become a focal point for the celebration of wine, a symbol of life and culture. It is home to the F.I.C.B. headquarters and the traditional meal that follows its annual general meeting.

The Conseil des Echansons de France is a founder member of our Fédération Internationale des Confréries Bachiques (founded in 1964), and is also a member of COCORICO (Coordination des Confréries d’Ile de France).
On October 12, 2024, the Conseil des Echansons de France will celebrate its 70th anniversary, and hopes to bring together a large number of brotherhoods from France and around the world.
Click here to get the invitation letter of the Grand Chancelier Claude Josse, FICB “Président d’Honneur”

Click here to get the programme
Click here to get the registration form