F.I.C.B. General Assembly : COMMUNIQUÉ

The F.I.C.B. General assembly 2024 was held on 27 January in Paris. 32 members were present or represented, with around sixty participants. 32 members were present or represented, with around sixty participants.
It marked the return to full activity of our federation and its members, after 3 years impacted by the COVID pandemic and the international situation.
President Alan BRYDEN reviewed the year 2023, which was marked by two international events (the 52nd International Congress in Portugal and the 2nd Wine Discovery Tour in Slovenia), increased membership of new brotherhoods (+4), the renovation of our website, promotion of our lexicon and guide to organizing blind recognition competitions, and the award of 5 honorary diplomas to international wine personalities. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) A booklet on the recipients of this Diploma over the period 2015-2023 was distributed on this occasion.

The general assembly then reviewed the program of future international events: the 2nd International Tasting Challenge organized by the Dames de Pannonie in Hungary in May 2024, the 3rd Wine Discovery Tour in Piedmont in 2025, organized by the Chevaliers de la Truffe et des Vins d’Alba, and the 53rd International Congress to be held in late May 2026 in the Provence Côte-d’Azur region, organized by the Illustrious Order of the Chevaliers de Méduse.

Exchanges were held on the initiatives taken by some of our member brotherhoods to diversify their activities, in particular the “wine tournaments” organised by the Slovenian brotherhoods, the organisation of blind grape variety recognition by correspondence (sending samples) by the Renaud Society and the creation of a “Master of wine” diploma by the Oregon Wine Brotherhood (these initiatives are or will be described on our website).

The participants then met for lunch at the recently renovated Musée du Vin of Paris, now “M le Musée du Vin”, which hosts the headquarters of our federation, where they were welcomed by the new owner, Olivier CHANDÈS.

On saturday night, a tour of Montmartre, guided by Montmartre historian Gérard Letailleur, preceded a memorable diner at « la Bonne Franquette »,

the emblematic restaurant of “La Butte”, which has welcomed many illustrious artists since its creation over a century ago, and where participants were welcomed by Patrick Fracheboud, the restaurant’s owner.

The F.I.C.B. medal was awarded to Olivier CHANDÈS, Gérard LETAILLEUR and Patrick FRACHEBOUD in recognition of their support for our federation.

Click here for a summary of the GA 2024

Click here to access the 2023 President’s report

Click here for the composition of the Board of administration at 30 JAN 2024

Click here to access the brochure on “The F.I.C.B. Diplomas of Honour 2015-2023”

Click here to access the draft minutes of the AG2024

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Wine tournaments in Slovenia

Several of our members organize “wine tournaments” in various forms. Here we give details of the particularly remarkable practice of our fellow members of the Slovenian Consulate of the OEVE.

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