F.I.C.B. has a long-standing relationship with “Wine in Moderation”, the international organization which groups the economic and social actors involved in the relation between wine and health. An MoU was signed between our two organizations in 2016. We have i.a. developed together “guide on responsible winetasting”.
link to the guide on responsible wine tasting

The Renaud Society has been an active member of F.I.C.B. since 2019. It is a wine brotherhood with world outreach and members from the medical and health area: “We are a society of medical professionals with an interest in better health and a passion for wine. The Renaud Society honors the legacy of Professor Serge Renaud, father of the French Paradox, supports wine & health research and education, and promotes the sharing of wine interests among medical colleagues worldwide”.
link to the site of the Renaud society

Alan Bryden and Greg Waters (Renaud Society)
On 19-20 October 2023, “Wine in moderation” organized its international congress on the theme “Lifestyle, diet, wine and health”, in the magnificent setting of the Palacio de Congresos “El Greco” in Toledo (Spain) . Over 200 participants attended this congress, “the most important international scientific event on lifestyle, diet, wine and health of the last five years”. Thirty leading scientists from around Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia presented their latest research on living a healthy lifestyle with exercise, a balanced Mediterranean-style diet, and the moderate consumption of wine.”( more details on the Congress web site)
Link to the congress website https://www.lifestylewine2023.com/

Dr. Dr.Tedd Goldfinger, Grand Master of the Renaud Society, chaired one of the sessions and he later presented 4 induction certificates in the brotherhood during the gala dinner, where Alan Bryden the president of F.I.C.B. had also been invited.

The Dr. Patrick Schweber signs the register as Commander of the Renaud Society for New-Zealand. Ms. Ursula Fradera (Germany), Dr. Napoleon Jay King (U.S.A.) and Matt Kramer (U.S.A.) were also inducted that evening.
Alan Bryden presented on this occasion the F.I.C.B. “Diploma of Honor” to Prof. Dr. Robert Curtis Ellison, which had been attributed to him by the Board of administration of our federation, upon the proposal of the Renaud Society. A professor and researcher in medicine and epidemiology in several universities, i.a. South Carolina, Harvard, Georgetown, Massachusetts and Boston, he is an internationally recognized specialist of the relation between health and wine consumption. He is the founder of the International Scientific Forum on Alcohol research.

crédit photo Carla Waters