F.I.C.B. encourages its member brotherhoods to develop initiatives to acquire and gain recognition for individual expertise in the identification of grape varieties and appellations. At our 2023 General Assembly, we approved a “Guide for the organisation of blind grape varieties and appellation recognition competitions“. This guide allows each F.I.C.B. member brotherhood or federation thereof to develop its own rules, adapted to its situation.
click on this link to access the F.I.C.B. guide
The RENAUD Society, a member of F.I.C.B., has seized this opportunity to develop its own competition, in which all its individual members, spread all over the world and who do not have the opportunity to meet physically often, can participate. The principle is simple: each registered participant receives by post a box containing 5 bottles, of 150ml each, of wines selected by a jury (2 whites and 3 reds for the first edition), with no indication other than a number from 1 to 5.

For each wine, composed of a single grape variety or a blend with a clearly dominant grape variety, 10 answers are proposed to the participants, who must then send their answers by e-mail to the RENAUD Society. Depending on the score achieved, the participant will receive a distinctive badge, in a different colour, which can be added to their Renaud Society ‘tastevin’.

Click here for the description of the competition by the Renaud Society
The F.I.C.B. itself periodically organises an “International Wine Tasting Challenge”, the next edition of which will take place in Hungary in May 2024. In addition to a magnificent programme of visits to wineries and sites, this Challenge will include an individual blind tasting competition and will allow as well for a collective rating of the wines proposed during the meals. The exact dates and final programme of the Challenge will be published before the end of June 2023 and registration will be open until the end of the year.
Our members are therefore encouraged to develop initiatives in this field, for which the RENAUD Society is a unique and concrete example.