The Knights of the Vine of Japan: from world wines to Nihon wines!

The Knights of the Vine of Japan (KoV Japan) brotherhood was founded in 1986. It is the only F.I.C.B. member wine brotherhood in Japan. Its Master Commander, Shoji Kinoshita, and his team are developing its activities to promote and appreciate quality wines in Japan.
At the 52nd F.I.C.B. Congress in Portugal in May 2023, KoV Japan organised the first tasting of wines produced in Japan (“Nihon wines”). The event was a success with the participants, and demonstrated the great progress made by Japanese winegrowing in recent years. The participants’ comments were recorded and passed on to the Japanese winemakers who had offered their wines for tasting.

The KoV stand at the wines of the xworld tasting
at the 52nd Congress in Portugal

On 20 July, KoV Japan held its annual Chapter, which featured a meal of Portuguese gastronomy and allowed the participants to view the videos recorded during the Congress in Portugal, enabling the Japanese delegation to share the beautiful moments of this event with the other members of the brotherhood.

Pictures and videos presentation of the Congress during July 2023 Chapter
Portuguese gastronomy « made in Japan »

In a video message, the President of the F.I.C.B. encouraged the Japanese brothers and sisters in wine to take part in future F.I.C.B. events, in particular those scheduled in Hungary (May 2024), in Italy (Piedmont 2025) and in France (Provence Côte d’Azur 2026).

KoV Japan newsletter on the 52nd Congrès

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