Our Newsletter n°19 (October 2024) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
Our Newsletter n°19 (October 2024) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
Our Newsletter n°18 (March 2024) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
Our Newsletter n°17 (September 2023) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
Our Newsletter n°16 (March 2023) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
Our Newsletter n°13 (June 2021) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
Our Newsletter n°12 (November 2020) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it
We publish 2 issues of our Newsletter per year. Click here to download issue n°10 May 2019.
The n°6 issue of the F.I.C.B. Newsletter has just been released. Click here to download it. It reports on the implementation of new developments decided by the General Assembly last
F.I.C.B. publishes two newsletters per year. Click here for n°4 April 2016
The first issue of the F.I.C.B. Newsletter, dated September 2014, is available (click on link). In the future, this newsletter will be published every 3 months and will announce events
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