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Grand Council of the Fleur de l’Echansonnerie des Papes

The Echansonnerie des Papes will celebrate its 356th chapter on :


Registrationuntil June 7> Ticket office

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Our Newsletter n°19 (October 2024) is now available. It gives an update on our activities and the prospects for our future international events. Our members are encouraged to disseminate it widely, e.g. by having a link on their website. Click here to get the Newsletter N° 19

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At the chapter of the Ordre de la Dive Bouteille de Gaillac

The Ordre de la Dive Bouteille de Gaillac held its annual summer chapter the first Sunday of August. Our General Secretary Marc Lesk attended, along with a delegation from the Echansons de France. The Gaillac vineyard, one of the oldest in France, stretches over 6800 hectares on both banks of the Tarn. Native grape varieties (Luenh de l’uelh – far from the eye, mauzac for the whites; fer servadou also called braucol, duras for the reds…) give the wines their

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70th Anniversary of the “CONSEIL DES ÉCHANSONS DE FRANCE”

The Conseil des Echansons de France is a wine-brotherhood dedicated to promoting and defending French wines, as well as the traditions associated with the arts of the table. Founded in 1954, the Conseil des Echansons de France is heir to the traditions of the winegrowers’ brotherhoods of the Middle Ages, and those of the wine-lovers’ brotherhoods of later times. Around the world, it counts several hundred members, both wine professionals and amateur tasters. It has permanent representations in France and

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F.I.C.B. international wine tasting and rating Challenge in Hungary

The 2nd F.I.C.B. international wine tasting and rating Challenge took place in Budapest (Hungary) from 23 to 26 May 2024, followed by an extension to Eger and the region of Tokay from 26 to 28 May. The Order of the Ladies of Pannonia provided a perfect organization and a warm welcome. Some 40 participants from member brotherhoods of F.I.C.B. from 8 countries took part in this successful and beautiful event (from France, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the

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Anniversary Symposium of the Commende Majeure du Roussillon

In the year 2024, the Commende Majeure du Roussillon, a brotherhood created to “guard the duty and right of the vine and wine” and “its loyalty to the land of Roussillon”, celebrates a double anniversary : A 2 1/2-day program has been set up for the occasion, including vineyard tours, lectures, a parade preceding a chapter with numerous inductions, and of course meals celebrating the gastronomy and wines of Roussillon. After a welcome dinner at Restaurant Jean, where a typically

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