Champagne for F.I.C.B.’s 50th anniversary at the 2014 F.I.C.B. Congress in Reims!

The 48th F.I.C.B. International Congress 2014 has taken place in Reims and in the Champagne area from 29 May to 1 June 2014, with an extension on June 2 and 3. Cette 48ème édition a revêtu un caractère exceptionnel car elle était l’occasion de célébrer le cinquantenaire de la Fédération. Le Congrès était organisé par le Conseil des Echansons de France, qui avait désigné M. Jean-Jacques Hervy comme Président du Congrès F.I.C.B. 2014.

See the press dossier and the final programme

On 29 May, the Board of Administration of F.I.C.B. met to, i.a., appoint a new President, following the decision of Claude Josse to step down, after 25 years in office. Alan Bryden, who was until then First Vice-President, was appointed unanimously and will take over on 15 June. He has been for 15 years a member of the Conseil des Echansons de France, with the rank of Grand Officier, and has dedicated his professional life to promoting quality in industry, services and public administration, holding key executive positions at French, European and international levels. Claude Josse was named Honorary President by applause.

The Board also accepted formally the invitation from the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Vine of the U.S.A. to hold the 2016 F.I.C.B. Congress in California from 8 to 11 June 2016, centered on the Sonoma and Napa Valleys, with an extension until 14 June in neighboring areas. Pat Pingitore is chairing the Organizing Committee.

See also the photo gallery under the section Gallery/congrès 2014

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