On April 13, 2019, The Oregon Wine Brotherhood held its 23rd Grand Assemblage in Portland (OR U.S.A.). More than 150 participants enjoyed a comprehensive program that included, in addition to the gala dinner where Oregon and other wines were appreciated, some brought by the participants themselves, lectures on the art of wine tasting and an induction ceremony presided over by Craig Heath, Grand Commander of the OWB
It is in this context that the F.I.C.B. Diploma of Honor was presented to Susan Sokol Blosser by Ken Hick, member of the Board of our Federation. Her candidacy had been proposed by The Oregon Wine Brotherhood with the support of the Knights of the Vine of America.
Ms. Blosser is a member of both wine brotherhoods, and a founder of the KoV of America. She was a pioneer of the wine industry in Oregon and has led her estate (Sokol Blosser Winery ) to world class. She has written several books on wine, including “Letting go”, a reference for the transmission of family owned wine estates and companies. She is the founder and a member of the Board of the International Pinot Noir Celebration held in Oregon each year. She holds governance positions in several international women wine and business organizations. She has received numerous national and international awards and recognition.
Links :
Sokol Blosser winery : https://sokolblosser.com/
The Oregon wine Brotherhood : https://www.oregonwinebrotherhood.org/