The 2013 FICB General Assembly met at the Paris Wine Museum on 26 January 2013. It examined the progress of the Action plan for the promotion and the development of FICB which it had adopted in 2012. It approved by unanimity of the members present or represented a revision of the Statutes and Rules of procedure of the Federation, in order i.a. to allow for a broadening of member categories (see Who are our members ?). It reviewed with satisfaction the launch of the new FICB website and encouraged its members to feed it with their information. It accepted the invitation of the Conseil des Echansons de France to hold the 2014 FICB International Congress in Reims and in the Champagne area from 29 May to 4 June 2014. President Claude Josse was confirmed and Alan Bryden was elected First Vice-Present, i.a. to assist him in the promotion and development of FICB.
The F.I.C.B. General Assembly 2025 will take place on Saturday 8 February at 10:00 in Paris. Click here for the agenda. Click here for the invitation Click here for the