Useful links

Wine has accompanied spiritually humanity since high antiquity, in the religious, philosophical, artistic and technological fields…
This site is not intended to present an anthology of works devoted to wine, but rather to offer reference works and links to specialized sites.
Cette rubrique a donc pour vocation de partager des informations culturelles relatives à la vigne et au vin. Nos lecteurs sont invités à faire des propositions en utilisant le formulaire de contact.
We have selected the following themes: fine arts, music (including songs), literature (including poetry and comics), cinema; history-geography, science and techniques.

Some emblematic pictorial and plastic works

The virtual wine museum site presents an extraordinary collection of works of all kinds (more than 1000), classified according to various themes (The virtual wine museum)
Marc Lesk’s blog Au Bon Clos presents a collection of art works, poetry, vocal pieces and songs dedicated to wine and grapes culture.
The “Franco-French” site , generalist, is interesting with a section on brotherhoods, anthology of poems, songs etc.
More drinking songs can be found on this specialized site:
This site gives a list and extracts of films “wine in the cinema”