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Wine-discovery tour sponsored by Italy (Piedmont)
22 May - 26 May
One of F.I.C.B.’s raisons d’être is to promote international contacts between its members and with the wine world in general. It was felt that a simple lexicon would be useful to help wine lovers and professionals in their conversations about wine, during events organised by the Federation, visits to wineries, individual or group tastings or contacts with producers or distributors.
Nearly 300 common terms were selected with the help of wine experts chosen from among the members of the F.I.C.B. Their translation was established and validated within the F.I.C.B., and also through a collaboration with the Linguistic Centre of the University of Dijon (Burgundy – France).
The languages selected are the 5 official languages of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine: German, English, Spanish, French and Italian. Other languages may be added as necessary.
Rather than a lexicon in electronic form, which would have required the inclusion of a much larger number of terms, the option chosen is that of a lexicon in the form of a booklet in PDF format which can be printed in A5 or A6 format and used easily during contacts. There are therefore 5 versions of the lexicon for each of the entries per language.
The file can be downloaded from the F.I.C.B. website and printed by the user.
It must not be used for commercial purposes and its reproduction must be identical to the published version with the compulsory mention of the F.I.C.B. as source.
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