The F.I.C.B. International Charter promotes expert and reasonable consumption of wine. It is with this in mind that a partnership was concluded in 2016 between our federation and « Wine in Moderation-Art de vivre » to encourage the wine brotherhoods to relay the message of this international network. This also resulted in our federation being invited to take part in the 2017 Symposium and General Assembly of this organization in Santorini (Greece) from 1 to 4 November 2017.
Site of Wine in Moderation :
The Symposium was under the patronage of the International Organization for Vine and Wine (O.I.V.), whose Chairperson, Monika Christmann, presented a broad perspective of the international development of wine tourism and its relation to spreading the wine culture. Alan Bryden, president of F.I.C.B., presented the contribution of the wine brotherhoods to promoting wine culture and responsible wine tourism. Several presentations related to wine cities, wine routes and strategies as well as technologies in support of wine tourism.
Click here for the programme of the Symposium
Click here for the F.I.C.B. presentation at the Symposium
At the General Assembly which followed, George Sandeman, President of « Wine in Moderation- Art de vivre », welcomed the partnership concluded with F.I.C.B. and encouraged the wine brotherhoods to include the message on responsible consumption in their communication.
Click here to access the “wine in moderation” section of our site, i.a. for our MoU with WiM and the “guide on responsible wine” tasting

George Sandeman, President of WiM, and, at his right, Stelios Filopoulos, Director of WiM
Note on Santorini wines
The meetings took place on the premices of the Boulari Winery on Santorini island, part of the Southern Cyclades. The Santorini wines are among the best in Greece. Vines have been grown here long before the volcanic eruption which destroyed the island and changes dramatically its shape in the days of the Minoans, around 1600 BC. Due to the volcanic soil, the low humidity and rainfall and the high exposure to sun and wind , the vines are cultivated in a unique way: each year after the harvest, the new vine shoots are pruned and woven to produce a round basket shape, in the center of which the bunches grow and ripe, well protected from the harsh sun and strong winds. The yield is low (25hl/Ha on average). The main production is white wine, with Assyrtiko as the leading varietal.
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