Our new Romanian member, the Consulat of O.E.V.E. for Romania and Moldavia( http://oeve.ro ), held its Autumn Chapter and organized its annual Ball on 26 November. Both events were held at the “Château” in Bucharest and gathered over 300 participants.
5 inductions of new Knights were made during an introductory ceremony presided over by Prof.Ing.Dr Josef von JENEI, Ambassador of the Ordo Equestris Vini Europae ( http://www.equesdevino.eu ), who had come specially from the central Senate of the Order in Eisenstatt (Austria).
During the evening, Alan BRYDEN, President of F.I.C.B., presented the medal of our federation to Marius FARMAZON, Proconsul of O.E.V.E. Romania and Moldova and congratulated the organizers of the event, in particular Dan BOERESCU and Costin DINU, Legates of the brotherhood for the Bucharest region, as well as Bogdan Nicolae , Proconsul 2. He welcomed the presence of Alexandru SAPOJNIC, Proconsul of the Brotherhood for the Republic of Moldova.
The grand ball coincided with GOODWINE ( www.goodwine.ro ), a wine fair taking place at the Bucharest exhibition park. The visit of this fair enabled to realize the progress made by Romanian and Moldavian wines over the last decade, which place Romania as the 6th European wine producer with an estimate of 4,9 Miohl for 2016. Romania and Moldova have a wine tradition dating back to some 4000 years (see wine profile at Romania)

alongside the XMas tree of bottles!