Saturday 6 June, the Comité de Coordination Région Ile de France des Confréries (COCORICO), member of F.I.C.B. celebrated its 15th anniversary. This organization gathers the main food and wine brotherhoods from Ile-de-France, the first French economic region. Before the phylloxera crisis at the end of the 19th century, this region was also the main French wine producing area. Some 30 wine brotherhoods remain active and maintain the tradition. Several small vineyards still exist, such as those in Clamart, Rueil-Malmaison, Yerres or Montmartre and are carefully maintained.
The Brotherhoods first gathered on the esplanade in front of Notre Dame, the Paris cathedral, presenting to the numerous tourists present the colorful sight of their multicolor attires. They proceeded to enter in the cathedral with their banners, led by the talented and cheerful group of drums « les Petits Poulbots ». Leading the procession was the executive committee of COCORICO headed by Ruben MARTINOVSKY their president, the president of F.I.C.B., Alan BRYDEN, and a delegation from the Conseil des Echansons de France led by Claude JOSSE, their Grand Chancelier. The mass was celebrated by Mgr Guy THOMAZEAU, Archbishop emeritus of Montpellier.
After the mass and a procession across the Ile de la Cité (on which Notre-Dame is located), the Brotherhoods boarded on barges specially decorated with flowers and cruised down the Seine right to the Eiffel tower. The day was concluded by a gala dinner at the restaurant of the French Senate.
The event was en excellent opportunity to communicate on the nature and the diversity of the Brotherhoods.
For more information about COCORICO see :